Thursday, 4 November 2010

The docks werent open, but the motorway was.

My initial plan was to photograph the docks and industrial area around the port of Newport after visiting the university for an open day. However with light quickly disappearing and the ports surprisingly hard to access to get any really interesting shots we decided to turn home. Whist on the motorway i decided to take photographs experimenting in documenting a journey and the landscape that we passed. Fortunately the fading light made these photographs more interesting due to the cars having there headlights on and the sunset creating interesting red/purple shades on the clouds.

The first set of images i like the way the car behind was traveling at a similar speed to us, gives the images a common similarity but the area around the image changes. I chose to position the car off centre to encourage the viewer to focus on the movement of the other vehicles and background.

For these images i chose to use the car window opposite to give a frame to the image. I like how abstracted the trees and crash barrier have become and the occasional streak of colour from a passing car gets picked up. The idea behind framing the work with the window mirror is something i picked up from researching Fernando Gómez's work 'A taxi drivers gaze' i think its a really simplistic way of giving a sense of seeing the image in a first person perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Love the car window framing the scene, love the sense that it is framing a painting and remains abstract. Love the evenness of the lines disecting the frame. There is a sense of illustration to it.
