Wednesday 15 December 2010



Canals at night.

Some images i have selected when i went to the canals after it had snowed at night ( YES I WAS FROZEN)
I decided to pick this five out because i like how light creates a warming feel to the images i also really think the refelctions in the water compliment the hard lines of the walls and structures that surround the canals.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Passer By

I think the way the figure has become blurred in the second image due to using a longer exposure time due to shooting at night has really worked to my advantage on this photograph. It created movement and a sense of a rush of the person passing an open doorway that almost invites to go inside on the first image when no one is in the fame. Without stopping or going inside.

Under the Bridge

I think the lights in the image really add to the atmosphere created in the bridge by highlighting the texture on the roof in a warm yellow colour giving a secure feeling even though It looks a bit creepy . This contrasts with the outside that feels more open with mixing of lights and colour increasing the sense of looking out the image has.

Split by a Bridge

I think this image gets separated into three sections each having its own atmosphere:

Left of Bridge- gives us a entrance.

Bridge - Gives us texture and a sense of security of being under something.

Right of bridge - open space and winding paths create a sense of adventure.

Birmingham Canals

Some images i have selected when i went to the canals after it had snowed at night ( YES I WAS FROZEN)
I decided to pick this five out because i like how light creates a warming feel to the images i also really think the refelctions in the water compliment the hard lines of the walls and structures that surround the canals.

Birmingham #1

A series of photos that i have selected from when i decided to take photographs around town at night. I chose to try out some nighttime photography an experiment looking at lights around the city and how it draws the viewers eyes around a photograph, i feel the images selected have worked well in doing this. I like the cold feel that the fluorescent lights give to the images adding to the urban feel.

Ambient Light

I think the softness of the light in this photograph works to its advantage it took me quite a few shots to get the sense of ambient light through this image. I have never really looked at this window in my house before due to it having frosted glass, i thing that it works to its advantage creating a sense of mystery to what is outside as you can see i mixture of colours and shapes coming from outside. I tired to use the bannister to create some direction away from the window giving it a diagonal line for your eyes to follow draws your eyes towards the light hitting to the wall and the shape and texture the section has.


The way the geometric shapes of the rooftops contrast with the natural shape of the trees balances the image well and the perspective really draws your eyes into the colours of the sunset sky, i also think the black and white of the snow roofs and trees make the sky alot more vibrant, i could further exaggerate this using Photoshop techniques.